Wednesday, June 30, 2004
I decided to take out the pictures i added to my last post since it was fucking my template up.. also coz i couldnt resize them all properly! haha! but anyways, IF you do want to see the Matabungkay pics, then click on the link on the side bar. i plan to add more albums in due time. but for now, its just the beach pics. =)
I decided to take out the pictures i added to my last post since it was fucking my template up.. also coz i couldnt resize them all properly! haha! but anyways, IF you do want to see the Matabungkay pics, then click on the link on the side bar. i plan to add more albums in due time. but for now, its just the beach pics. =)
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Trust me.. It's Paradise.
Matabungkay.. wow. the last time i went to the beach house of my cousin here i was like, 12? the first thing i noticed was it was renovated, and pretty damn well if you ask me! oh, if you've ever been to matabungkay, and you've seen the huge statue of Jesus(like the one in Rio de Janeiro), its part of the lot of my cousin that slopes down to the shore.. we left before 6 am on saturday morning, and me and 3 cousins without any sleep at all. but the road trip there was fun enough to keep us up. especially me, since i drove hehe. we spent saturday with some light swimming before lunch, beach soccer the whole afternoon, explaining my bad sunburn plus the fact that i never used sunblock the whole time i was at the beach.. but its worth it knowing ppl in manila wore jackets during this rainy period while i got a nice tan hehe.. and drinking saturday night away with my cousins and our parents.
We rented a balsa(bamboo raft) for sunday morning to go to the deep end, and swam, snorkeled, and floated on salbabida's(tubes) the whole morning.. got back at the beach house around 1 pm, had a late lunch and we went up to the shed near the Jesus statue and me and my cousins tripped there, bringing beer, coffee, and weed so my cousins could smoke up there. then it started raining.. HARD! me and my cousins, miggy and carlo, thought it was a great time to play soccer, this time in the huge yard so we could do sliding tackles in the grass. but as we were going down the slope in the grassy hill after the house, we all thought the same idea. sliding down the mud!! we got some cardboard and plywood, and started sliding with cardboard on our bottoms and or bellies, and i'm telling you, it was fast and one hell of an adrenaline rush haha!! my cousin gino, who was sipping coffee and reading a book in the balcony saw us, and immediately droped his book and went down and joined our fun! javi, who was asleep, woke up from the noise of the rain on the roof, and as he was walking thru the hall, heard our shouts and spotted us in the screen windows and also ran down to us, not saying a word, just jumnping belly down and slid down really fast almost til the bottom haha!! great fun!! until my cousin miggy cut his foot really deep on this plant he was heading to head on(he tried to use his foot to cushion the blow), and our grandma made us all stop the fun. party pooper hehe.
We spent sunday night getting even more drunk with our parents while playing charades.. our parents won only coz most the stuff in the categories of the game are from their era!! that aint fair!! how the hell would we know about shows, and some old movies and songs from the 60's and 70's?! hahaha! but it was all in great fun!!
We spent monday taking one last swim.. and headed back to the madness of manila arriving around 7 pm. *sigh* all good things must come to and end.. damn. i miss the beach already.. i hope i go back to the beach soon. i swear i'm more at peace and at home near the shore, than here. oh well, there will be more beach trips!! more fun, more sun and sand, and hopefuly, no more sunburn!=Þ ouch.. i burned my upper back, shoulders, nose and biceps.. damn it!!
I'm out.. keep it beaching. ;)
Matabungkay.. wow. the last time i went to the beach house of my cousin here i was like, 12? the first thing i noticed was it was renovated, and pretty damn well if you ask me! oh, if you've ever been to matabungkay, and you've seen the huge statue of Jesus(like the one in Rio de Janeiro), its part of the lot of my cousin that slopes down to the shore.. we left before 6 am on saturday morning, and me and 3 cousins without any sleep at all. but the road trip there was fun enough to keep us up. especially me, since i drove hehe. we spent saturday with some light swimming before lunch, beach soccer the whole afternoon, explaining my bad sunburn plus the fact that i never used sunblock the whole time i was at the beach.. but its worth it knowing ppl in manila wore jackets during this rainy period while i got a nice tan hehe.. and drinking saturday night away with my cousins and our parents.
We rented a balsa(bamboo raft) for sunday morning to go to the deep end, and swam, snorkeled, and floated on salbabida's(tubes) the whole morning.. got back at the beach house around 1 pm, had a late lunch and we went up to the shed near the Jesus statue and me and my cousins tripped there, bringing beer, coffee, and weed so my cousins could smoke up there. then it started raining.. HARD! me and my cousins, miggy and carlo, thought it was a great time to play soccer, this time in the huge yard so we could do sliding tackles in the grass. but as we were going down the slope in the grassy hill after the house, we all thought the same idea. sliding down the mud!! we got some cardboard and plywood, and started sliding with cardboard on our bottoms and or bellies, and i'm telling you, it was fast and one hell of an adrenaline rush haha!! my cousin gino, who was sipping coffee and reading a book in the balcony saw us, and immediately droped his book and went down and joined our fun! javi, who was asleep, woke up from the noise of the rain on the roof, and as he was walking thru the hall, heard our shouts and spotted us in the screen windows and also ran down to us, not saying a word, just jumnping belly down and slid down really fast almost til the bottom haha!! great fun!! until my cousin miggy cut his foot really deep on this plant he was heading to head on(he tried to use his foot to cushion the blow), and our grandma made us all stop the fun. party pooper hehe.
We spent sunday night getting even more drunk with our parents while playing charades.. our parents won only coz most the stuff in the categories of the game are from their era!! that aint fair!! how the hell would we know about shows, and some old movies and songs from the 60's and 70's?! hahaha! but it was all in great fun!!
We spent monday taking one last swim.. and headed back to the madness of manila arriving around 7 pm. *sigh* all good things must come to and end.. damn. i miss the beach already.. i hope i go back to the beach soon. i swear i'm more at peace and at home near the shore, than here. oh well, there will be more beach trips!! more fun, more sun and sand, and hopefuly, no more sunburn!=Þ ouch.. i burned my upper back, shoulders, nose and biceps.. damn it!!
I'm out.. keep it beaching. ;)
Friday, June 25, 2004
tomorrow im off to the beach with my clan til monday! this means endless buffets of seafood and inihaw, and a shitload of beer! hahaha! i'll see you all monday.. i'm about to get beached.=)
Thursday, June 24, 2004
A Trip Down Memory Lane..
while tripping over a few drinks with 3 friends at my house tonight, our conversations shifted to a lot of stuff. from ghosts, to ghostly experiences, to fights from way back, to politics, to the cost of living, to business idea's for the future, and even thinking of an easier way of travelling here in our metropolis to ease the traffic..
but something we talked about, and enjoyed, was reminiscing about our kalokohan days from back in high school. how we started our friendships and eventually formed our group. and how stupidly reckless we we're back in our alma matter, Zobel. i remember spending most of my 3rd and 4th yr high school days with these guys, just cutting class haha. i mean, we even had a routine on how it all starts during our 3rd year of high school:
1. we all meet up in Agno St. near Zobel where we all park our cars and decide whether we would go to school or not..
2. we would continue our debate either over a few cigarettes in Guava or San Jose park, or over either 1st or 2nd breakfast in Mcdonalds..
3. we would all decide to go to school after recess(around 10:45 am) and congregate either in Siegfried's house or bum at the Starbucks in Filinvest mall. back then, it was the only Starbucks in the Alabang area..
4. we would decide to go to school after lunch(around 1:30 pm) and check if there are any new, good movies to watch in the cinema, or play billiards in Gameworx in Filinvest mall..
5. time check after countless billiard games: 3 pm.. too late to go to school.. hahaha!
i remember me and Sieg got a total of 40 to 50 absences after the school year, and almost getting kicked out because of it! 4th year high school was almost just like it, except we immediately decided if we would go to school or not before 8 am. no half days, no going to school after recess. we would immediately go to Mcdonalds, and go straight to either Makati, Tagaytay, Orchard country club, or Riviera country club, and trip out the whole day! i remember packing civilian clothes everyday with me, just in case we would decide to cut class! hahaha!
i also remember this time in 4th year, when while teasing this friend of mine of acting all girly, i drew this huge penis inside a cabinet in the classroom, and writing the word, "BERD", under the drawing intentionaly misspelling "Bird". hahaha! i never erased it, and i cut class the day after i did that and was in Makati having a good time, when a classmate of mine texted me that my teacher, and vice principal saw my little artwork and we're looking for me(a classmate of mine snitched that i was the one responsible)! i remember the vice principal scolding me in front of the class screaming that i "had a sick and twisted mind for thinking of something that disgusting as humor".. she didnt buy my excuse that it was all in harmless teasing. she said i had broken i think 3 rules in the strict disciplinary rules of the school. i almost got kicked out again! but they all gave me a chance and placed me under Disciplinary probation instead.. haha!
it was great reminiscing our misadventures back in high school.. frm cutting class, to our drinking marathons, to our road trips, our videocam adventures, joyriding with golf carts in this country club in batangas(wrecking one golf cart in the process by flipping it over by accident), and countless more that im just too tired to mention. looking back, i only realized now how colorful our past was. i'm not even mentioning other stuff that are umm.. too private and confidential to divulge. =)
reminiscing is great fun and will provide a million laughs. but we're all sure that there will be more great memories stored for us in the days ahead. but this time, we wont be that reckless.. ;)
while tripping over a few drinks with 3 friends at my house tonight, our conversations shifted to a lot of stuff. from ghosts, to ghostly experiences, to fights from way back, to politics, to the cost of living, to business idea's for the future, and even thinking of an easier way of travelling here in our metropolis to ease the traffic..
but something we talked about, and enjoyed, was reminiscing about our kalokohan days from back in high school. how we started our friendships and eventually formed our group. and how stupidly reckless we we're back in our alma matter, Zobel. i remember spending most of my 3rd and 4th yr high school days with these guys, just cutting class haha. i mean, we even had a routine on how it all starts during our 3rd year of high school:
1. we all meet up in Agno St. near Zobel where we all park our cars and decide whether we would go to school or not..
2. we would continue our debate either over a few cigarettes in Guava or San Jose park, or over either 1st or 2nd breakfast in Mcdonalds..
3. we would all decide to go to school after recess(around 10:45 am) and congregate either in Siegfried's house or bum at the Starbucks in Filinvest mall. back then, it was the only Starbucks in the Alabang area..
4. we would decide to go to school after lunch(around 1:30 pm) and check if there are any new, good movies to watch in the cinema, or play billiards in Gameworx in Filinvest mall..
5. time check after countless billiard games: 3 pm.. too late to go to school.. hahaha!
i remember me and Sieg got a total of 40 to 50 absences after the school year, and almost getting kicked out because of it! 4th year high school was almost just like it, except we immediately decided if we would go to school or not before 8 am. no half days, no going to school after recess. we would immediately go to Mcdonalds, and go straight to either Makati, Tagaytay, Orchard country club, or Riviera country club, and trip out the whole day! i remember packing civilian clothes everyday with me, just in case we would decide to cut class! hahaha!
i also remember this time in 4th year, when while teasing this friend of mine of acting all girly, i drew this huge penis inside a cabinet in the classroom, and writing the word, "BERD", under the drawing intentionaly misspelling "Bird". hahaha! i never erased it, and i cut class the day after i did that and was in Makati having a good time, when a classmate of mine texted me that my teacher, and vice principal saw my little artwork and we're looking for me(a classmate of mine snitched that i was the one responsible)! i remember the vice principal scolding me in front of the class screaming that i "had a sick and twisted mind for thinking of something that disgusting as humor".. she didnt buy my excuse that it was all in harmless teasing. she said i had broken i think 3 rules in the strict disciplinary rules of the school. i almost got kicked out again! but they all gave me a chance and placed me under Disciplinary probation instead.. haha!
it was great reminiscing our misadventures back in high school.. frm cutting class, to our drinking marathons, to our road trips, our videocam adventures, joyriding with golf carts in this country club in batangas(wrecking one golf cart in the process by flipping it over by accident), and countless more that im just too tired to mention. looking back, i only realized now how colorful our past was. i'm not even mentioning other stuff that are umm.. too private and confidential to divulge. =)
reminiscing is great fun and will provide a million laughs. but we're all sure that there will be more great memories stored for us in the days ahead. but this time, we wont be that reckless.. ;)
Monday, June 21, 2004
Milkygurl Sphinx
Love lost, love gained
never unabashed, nor restrained
a passion for words too deep to symbolize
a thousand thoughts repressed in these kernite eyes
maybe a lost path some unbeaten, untrodden road
will make me realize I havent been chasing fool's gold
unsure days seem poised for a return engagement
never really seeing the meaning in the words you meant
they say, to live is to pass thru hurdles too deep to commit
but I never really did put you in the right perspective
a thousand thoughts did come and pass me by
and still I wait for you under the rainy sky..
My milkygurl sphinx..
The answer to the riddles you possess, is my truth in your eyes.
by: jeyps
Love lost, love gained
never unabashed, nor restrained
a passion for words too deep to symbolize
a thousand thoughts repressed in these kernite eyes
maybe a lost path some unbeaten, untrodden road
will make me realize I havent been chasing fool's gold
unsure days seem poised for a return engagement
never really seeing the meaning in the words you meant
they say, to live is to pass thru hurdles too deep to commit
but I never really did put you in the right perspective
a thousand thoughts did come and pass me by
and still I wait for you under the rainy sky..
My milkygurl sphinx..
The answer to the riddles you possess, is my truth in your eyes.
by: jeyps
this just plain sucks. i already fell asleep around 8:30 pm tonight, since i just felt intensely sleepy for some reason. and i woke up just awhile ago.. almost midnight. granted if i had fallen asleep in my own bed, i wouldnt be up right now. but i fell asleep in my brother's bed, and he had to wake me up so he himself could sleep. so now i'm up, i cant sleep again, and i have nothing to do.. this just plain sucks!! oh wait, i just yawned.. maybe there's hope for me yet hehehe! =)
Friday, June 18, 2004
I want to get lost, affixed on her gaze.
I want to drown, and melt in her smile.
I want to drown, and melt in her smile.
Whether long range weapon or suicide bomber,
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction.
Whether you're soar away sun or BBC 1,
Disinformation is a weapon of mass destruction.
You could be Caucasian or a poor Asian,
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction.
Whether inflation or globalization,
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction.
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction.
Whether you're soar away sun or BBC 1,
Disinformation is a weapon of mass destruction.
You could be Caucasian or a poor Asian,
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction.
Whether inflation or globalization,
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction.
A stranger's light comes on slowly
A stranger's heart without a home
You put your hands into your head
And then smiles cover your heart
I want to hold the hand inside you
I want to take a breath that's true
I look to you and I see a blessing
I look to you and see the truth.
by: jeyps
A stranger's heart without a home
You put your hands into your head
And then smiles cover your heart
I want to hold the hand inside you
I want to take a breath that's true
I look to you and I see a blessing
I look to you and see the truth.
by: jeyps
Monday, June 14, 2004
Some stupidity from an MIRC chatter. Whoever this girl is:
I didnt edit any portion of this chat from its originality.
(MeercaChAsE) nyek
(MeercaChAsE) wag
(MeercaChAsE) haha
(sHicEgUrL) hahahaha
(sHicEgUrL) para di exposed skin
(sHicEgUrL) LOL
(Jeyps) shice..?! tsk tsk(ok.. granted i did butt in and didnt mind my own business.. so fucking what. i was bored. it's not as if i said something bad about her.)
* ilene_lee has left #alabang
(sHicEgUrL) hahaha
* sHicEgUrL sets mode: -o sHicEgUrL
(sHicEgUrL) .deop
(mackoy) --->> want to buy unlimited internet account pm me now asap !!!!
(MeercaChAsE) nick lang yan(uhh i know. did i say anything bad about her?!)
* Disconnected(they hacked my computer and disconnect me.. losers! hahaha!)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #alabang
* Rejoined channel #alabang
* Topic is 'Happy Birthday ate annaaaaaaa![-crave-] LoveyOU!! mwahmwah *hugs* ( Live performances > )'
* Set by X on Mon Jun 14 01:16:08
(MeercaChAsE) naguilty ako ah
(sHicEgUrL) haha
(sHicEgUrL) taena naman kasi eh! pakilamero
(sHicEgUrL) hate na hate ko pa naman mga tao na nagfifeeling alam nila lahat
(MeercaChAsE) sowee po
(sHicEgUrL) hahaha
(sHicEgUrL) di ikaw jay!
(MeercaChAsE) hahahaha
(MeercaChAsE) akala ko ako
(MeercaChAsE) haha
(MeercaChAsE) si jeyps?(oooh.. they're talking bout me! haha)
(sHicEgUrL) taena! kala kung magsalita kilala nila ko
(sHicEgUrL) i mean.. diba?!? kakaines! they act as if they know everything about me! e ano ba alam nila sa buhay ko to say those stuff?!?
* dj_cots has joined #alabang
(sHicEgUrL) kakaines!
(sHicEgUrL) pag nagdrugs ka... sarili mo lag sinisira mo
(sHicEgUrL) pag nakapatay ka or rape... sinira mo na buhay mo, buhay ng pinatay or rape mo, pati buhay ng pamilya niyo
(sHicEgUrL) tsaka.. madami akong kilala na nagdudrugs na mabait
(sHicEgUrL) madami din ako kilala na ansama ugali pero di nagdudrugs
(after reading those, i imediately knew that the girl has a stupid way of thinking..)
(sHicEgUrL) bye na muna
(sHicEgUrL) inaantok nako
(sHicEgUrL) LOL
* sHicEgUrL has quit IRC (Quit: putang ina! what do you know about me?! you don't know me.. yet you act & talk as if you know everything! i suggest you get to know a person first before jumping to conclusions! nakakaines mga taong tulad mo!)
-->on her quit message:
-first off, i wasnt saying bad shit about her. i just said, "shice.. tsk tsk.". she instantly thought i was targeting her. tsk tsk tsk. i dont even give a shit if she does or does not take shice. people have a right to make their own choice. and people have a right to freedom of speech. ;)
-i know more than she thinks i do. i've been through shit like that longer than her, i'll bet. and i've seen shit happen, because of drugs, far too much. hell, i'm sure as fuck, what she's been through with drugs, is nothing compared to the fucked up ride i had with drugs for almost 3 years! i've seen it destroy ppl & lives. i saw and experienced how the drug system works from the runner, the waiting period, the source, the cops, the crack houses, the money, and all the other processes that go with it. how it's so easy to gain access to it, even around school, was shocking at the start. it's really an eye-opener and will change how you see the world around you. it's something i remember, but never look back on. i've learned a lot about life because of the experience. whats done is done. the past is the past. drugs is never a right choice. it's gonna fuck you up. i've spent almost 3 years of being an everyday user of drugs before i learned that. im proud to say, its over & i'm done with it. theres no such thing as a "responsible user" or "good user". it's a sickness. and when people realize that, quiting is easy. it's what i did. i know i made the right choice by quiting. just like in Trainspotting, "Choose Life.". Nuff said!
-oh, dont get me wrong, i dont hate drug users. i know ppl who do it, and they're even good friends or relatives of mine. i've been through it, so who am i to judge? i'd also be a hypocrite if i said i didnt have fun during my time with it. i just hated the fact that "Shicegurl" was being defensive, like she was guilty, and that she has a whacked way of thinking.
I didnt edit any portion of this chat from its originality.
(MeercaChAsE) nyek
(MeercaChAsE) wag
(MeercaChAsE) haha
(sHicEgUrL) hahahaha
(sHicEgUrL) para di exposed skin
(sHicEgUrL) LOL
(Jeyps) shice..?! tsk tsk(ok.. granted i did butt in and didnt mind my own business.. so fucking what. i was bored. it's not as if i said something bad about her.)
* ilene_lee has left #alabang
(sHicEgUrL) hahaha
* sHicEgUrL sets mode: -o sHicEgUrL
(sHicEgUrL) .deop
(mackoy) --->> want to buy unlimited internet account pm me now asap !!!!
(MeercaChAsE) nick lang yan(uhh i know. did i say anything bad about her?!)
* Disconnected(they hacked my computer and disconnect me.. losers! hahaha!)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #alabang
* Rejoined channel #alabang
* Topic is 'Happy Birthday ate annaaaaaaa![-crave-] LoveyOU!! mwahmwah *hugs* ( Live performances > )'
* Set by X on Mon Jun 14 01:16:08
(MeercaChAsE) naguilty ako ah
(sHicEgUrL) haha
(sHicEgUrL) taena naman kasi eh! pakilamero
(sHicEgUrL) hate na hate ko pa naman mga tao na nagfifeeling alam nila lahat
(MeercaChAsE) sowee po
(sHicEgUrL) hahaha
(sHicEgUrL) di ikaw jay!
(MeercaChAsE) hahahaha
(MeercaChAsE) akala ko ako
(MeercaChAsE) haha
(MeercaChAsE) si jeyps?(oooh.. they're talking bout me! haha)
(sHicEgUrL) taena! kala kung magsalita kilala nila ko
(sHicEgUrL) i mean.. diba?!? kakaines! they act as if they know everything about me! e ano ba alam nila sa buhay ko to say those stuff?!?
* dj_cots has joined #alabang
(sHicEgUrL) kakaines!
(sHicEgUrL) pag nagdrugs ka... sarili mo lag sinisira mo
(sHicEgUrL) pag nakapatay ka or rape... sinira mo na buhay mo, buhay ng pinatay or rape mo, pati buhay ng pamilya niyo
(sHicEgUrL) tsaka.. madami akong kilala na nagdudrugs na mabait
(sHicEgUrL) madami din ako kilala na ansama ugali pero di nagdudrugs
(after reading those, i imediately knew that the girl has a stupid way of thinking..)
(sHicEgUrL) bye na muna
(sHicEgUrL) inaantok nako
(sHicEgUrL) LOL
* sHicEgUrL has quit IRC (Quit: putang ina! what do you know about me?! you don't know me.. yet you act & talk as if you know everything! i suggest you get to know a person first before jumping to conclusions! nakakaines mga taong tulad mo!)
-->on her quit message:
-first off, i wasnt saying bad shit about her. i just said, "shice.. tsk tsk.". she instantly thought i was targeting her. tsk tsk tsk. i dont even give a shit if she does or does not take shice. people have a right to make their own choice. and people have a right to freedom of speech. ;)
-i know more than she thinks i do. i've been through shit like that longer than her, i'll bet. and i've seen shit happen, because of drugs, far too much. hell, i'm sure as fuck, what she's been through with drugs, is nothing compared to the fucked up ride i had with drugs for almost 3 years! i've seen it destroy ppl & lives. i saw and experienced how the drug system works from the runner, the waiting period, the source, the cops, the crack houses, the money, and all the other processes that go with it. how it's so easy to gain access to it, even around school, was shocking at the start. it's really an eye-opener and will change how you see the world around you. it's something i remember, but never look back on. i've learned a lot about life because of the experience. whats done is done. the past is the past. drugs is never a right choice. it's gonna fuck you up. i've spent almost 3 years of being an everyday user of drugs before i learned that. im proud to say, its over & i'm done with it. theres no such thing as a "responsible user" or "good user". it's a sickness. and when people realize that, quiting is easy. it's what i did. i know i made the right choice by quiting. just like in Trainspotting, "Choose Life.". Nuff said!
-oh, dont get me wrong, i dont hate drug users. i know ppl who do it, and they're even good friends or relatives of mine. i've been through it, so who am i to judge? i'd also be a hypocrite if i said i didnt have fun during my time with it. i just hated the fact that "Shicegurl" was being defensive, like she was guilty, and that she has a whacked way of thinking.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
11:42 pm. 2pac blasting the speakers. "These are the words from the mind of a lost soul, i'm a lost soul." Somnambulist extraordinaire, i am. My mind is a blank now. It rained tonight. NBA Finals tomorrow morning. GO DETROIT! France vs England, 2:30 am later. GO FRANCE! I'm fucking bored!! I cant wait for our three day beachtrip this 26th! I crave for that ocean spray! I crave to lie on its shore and stare into the sky at night, with alcohol infused in me! Im...
..really bored. NO, REALLY, REALLY BORED!!
"No matter where i go, i see the same ***'s!!"
-All About You, 2pac.
Yup. It's the song playing right now.
Fuck this! If i cant think of anything to write, then i wont.
I know what to do instead to keep from being bored. I'll just....
..really bored. NO, REALLY, REALLY BORED!!
"No matter where i go, i see the same ***'s!!"
-All About You, 2pac.
Yup. It's the song playing right now.
Fuck this! If i cant think of anything to write, then i wont.
I know what to do instead to keep from being bored. I'll just....
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Just Because It's Wednesday..Ü
The best way to start your day, early in the morning, is talking to the one you LOVE...ÜÜÜ
The best way to start your day, early in the morning, is talking to the one you LOVE...ÜÜÜ
Sunday, June 06, 2004
There's no place I'd rather be
Your beauty surrounds me
For your tears black orchids bloom
Orchids bloom
My soul is fed by you
Fed by you
And water your birth, then death
It's back to dirt
Home, to you
You're my earth
Bathe in the warmth of the morning sun
I wait for you, I wait for you
Your beauty surrounds me
For your tears black orchids bloom
Orchids bloom
My soul is fed by you
Fed by you
And water your birth, then death
It's back to dirt
Home, to you
You're my earth
Bathe in the warmth of the morning sun
I wait for you, I wait for you
I stumbled into new realizations about dreaming. I still remember clearly all of the dreams I dreamt while I was asleep.
1. Shifting of dreams from one to another is triggered by an event or by a person. In my case, a friend of my brother who’s supposedly still in rehab. Seeing him in my dream, I asked him, “dude, aren’t you supposed to be in rehab? When did you get out?” and he replied, “just now, come, ill show you the rehab I went to..” and after that, he started running, but at a pace I couldn’t keep up with. I could notice that the landscape was morphing from a festive atmosphere(I saw the guy while I was buying ice for beer in one of the huts in the so called “fiesta”) into a big field almost like a savannah. Then in the distance I could make out other people I’m familiar with playing a game which resembled a cross between soccer and dodgeball. Weird, hell yes. Then he motioned me to enter this gate with him and the whole field turned into like a cross between the area of my high school gym and field, with the gym looking like a mansion from the inside. There another person I know asked me for help in playing the soccer/dodgeball game. I then was surprised to see I was wearing soccer shoes and began kicking the ball into people.. we won, I think. Then everything changed when I noticed a person I knew playing asked me to follow her home, coz it was time to go. I was surprised that she was a sister of mine, we had a large family and we lived in a big house I couldn’t even completely perceive. I tried looking at pictures, but they were fuzzy and couldn’t make out all of their faces. It was funny coz the hired help in the house kept telling me that I had to do this and that(I cant remember anymore what they were telling me to do, but that it was important..) and I kept asking them stuff like, “where’s my room”, “where’s mom and dad” and other stuff.. and they were almost surprised as I was that I couldn’t remember which one was my room, bed, my stuff etc… then I stumbled into another realization..
2. An uncle of mine dressed like a butler in full tuxedo attire gave me a pager and said that, “it was the only thing they got to recover from my dad’s journey, and that there was an important message that they just received”. Curious as I was, I got the pager and tried reading the message. I couldn’t read it!! But in my mind, I actually knew what was in the message.. “something about my dad being alive and stranded somewhere..” I tried to look at the pager again, but it disappeared from my hand!! Wild stuff man! Then when I was almost set to go and “find my dad”( which took me a long time in dream world.. I didn’t know which was my closet and I remember having a hard time looking for a “passport” or something I cant really remember also now..) I heard a honk from outside the house and was surprised to see that from, supposedly, the balcony window, Rom, a friend of mine, was outside in a Honda CRV. He shouted that “we had to go.. NOW” emphasis on the now part. Then while inside the car, the surroundings started shifting again and odd, because we were back in the gym/field of my high school. I remember shouting “the fuck?!” coz I was already wearing an old high school uniform.. then I realized another thing.
3. Once we parked the car(weird, coz we parked it right inside the gym and I told him to actually park it there..) we got down and there was like this school assembly jampacked with all the high school students. I tried greeting people I knew, but they all gave me a puzzled look like they didn’t know me. Then Rom asked me if I knew the people I was saying hi and what’s up to. I told him, “yeah, they’re my former batchmates, the batch I was from before I repeated and went to their batch. He then told me that I never repeated and that I was originally from their batch!! Right there and then, I was puzzled shitless! I looked at my uniform again, I had my sophomore patch. “Ok”, I thought, “I’m back in second year high school.” I remember that the students in the assembly was just sitting there, quiet and motionless.. like they were all waiting for something. Then I turned to my friends, Prim and Rom, and told them that “let’s leave and get out of here”. Prim said something about “it was a bad idea and were gonna be dead meat if we get caught..” I told him, “I’ll take care of it, leave it to me”. We were leaving when an old principal of ours “appeared” and tried to stop us. Both my friends stoped in their tracks, as if they were being controlled, but I just kept walking on until I walked past the principal. I then saw both my friends running towards me now saying “great! Were almost there!” “where’s there?” I asked.. then one of them told me that it wasn’t time yet.. weird huh!? Then I tried thinking of soccer once more, and sure enough the field was then filled with people playing soccer. I looked around and saw me and Primo both in soccer gear and running towards the ppl, ready to play. With Rom leaving saying, “I’ll see you again soon..” I was almost on the verge of realizing that I was in a dream, when all of a sudden, I woke up for no reason at all.. damn! But I now know that you CAN control your dream. It’s just really hard to comprehend that were in a dream but you could see things that you want to happen, almost happen instantly in a thought! Oh.. all this actually happened when i slept again from around 12 noon til almost 2 pm, after getting 4 hours of sleep, from 6 am to 10 am.
Phew! I hope I make the same progress the next time I sleep and dream. I’m really interested in interpreting and controlling my dreams now that I’m researching about it in the net as I type. Who knows, maybe in the next dream I’ll see you guys again and it’ll be more “eye opening”. Later! I’m out!
I stumbled into new realizations about dreaming. I still remember clearly all of the dreams I dreamt while I was asleep.
1. Shifting of dreams from one to another is triggered by an event or by a person. In my case, a friend of my brother who’s supposedly still in rehab. Seeing him in my dream, I asked him, “dude, aren’t you supposed to be in rehab? When did you get out?” and he replied, “just now, come, ill show you the rehab I went to..” and after that, he started running, but at a pace I couldn’t keep up with. I could notice that the landscape was morphing from a festive atmosphere(I saw the guy while I was buying ice for beer in one of the huts in the so called “fiesta”) into a big field almost like a savannah. Then in the distance I could make out other people I’m familiar with playing a game which resembled a cross between soccer and dodgeball. Weird, hell yes. Then he motioned me to enter this gate with him and the whole field turned into like a cross between the area of my high school gym and field, with the gym looking like a mansion from the inside. There another person I know asked me for help in playing the soccer/dodgeball game. I then was surprised to see I was wearing soccer shoes and began kicking the ball into people.. we won, I think. Then everything changed when I noticed a person I knew playing asked me to follow her home, coz it was time to go. I was surprised that she was a sister of mine, we had a large family and we lived in a big house I couldn’t even completely perceive. I tried looking at pictures, but they were fuzzy and couldn’t make out all of their faces. It was funny coz the hired help in the house kept telling me that I had to do this and that(I cant remember anymore what they were telling me to do, but that it was important..) and I kept asking them stuff like, “where’s my room”, “where’s mom and dad” and other stuff.. and they were almost surprised as I was that I couldn’t remember which one was my room, bed, my stuff etc… then I stumbled into another realization..
2. An uncle of mine dressed like a butler in full tuxedo attire gave me a pager and said that, “it was the only thing they got to recover from my dad’s journey, and that there was an important message that they just received”. Curious as I was, I got the pager and tried reading the message. I couldn’t read it!! But in my mind, I actually knew what was in the message.. “something about my dad being alive and stranded somewhere..” I tried to look at the pager again, but it disappeared from my hand!! Wild stuff man! Then when I was almost set to go and “find my dad”( which took me a long time in dream world.. I didn’t know which was my closet and I remember having a hard time looking for a “passport” or something I cant really remember also now..) I heard a honk from outside the house and was surprised to see that from, supposedly, the balcony window, Rom, a friend of mine, was outside in a Honda CRV. He shouted that “we had to go.. NOW” emphasis on the now part. Then while inside the car, the surroundings started shifting again and odd, because we were back in the gym/field of my high school. I remember shouting “the fuck?!” coz I was already wearing an old high school uniform.. then I realized another thing.
3. Once we parked the car(weird, coz we parked it right inside the gym and I told him to actually park it there..) we got down and there was like this school assembly jampacked with all the high school students. I tried greeting people I knew, but they all gave me a puzzled look like they didn’t know me. Then Rom asked me if I knew the people I was saying hi and what’s up to. I told him, “yeah, they’re my former batchmates, the batch I was from before I repeated and went to their batch. He then told me that I never repeated and that I was originally from their batch!! Right there and then, I was puzzled shitless! I looked at my uniform again, I had my sophomore patch. “Ok”, I thought, “I’m back in second year high school.” I remember that the students in the assembly was just sitting there, quiet and motionless.. like they were all waiting for something. Then I turned to my friends, Prim and Rom, and told them that “let’s leave and get out of here”. Prim said something about “it was a bad idea and were gonna be dead meat if we get caught..” I told him, “I’ll take care of it, leave it to me”. We were leaving when an old principal of ours “appeared” and tried to stop us. Both my friends stoped in their tracks, as if they were being controlled, but I just kept walking on until I walked past the principal. I then saw both my friends running towards me now saying “great! Were almost there!” “where’s there?” I asked.. then one of them told me that it wasn’t time yet.. weird huh!? Then I tried thinking of soccer once more, and sure enough the field was then filled with people playing soccer. I looked around and saw me and Primo both in soccer gear and running towards the ppl, ready to play. With Rom leaving saying, “I’ll see you again soon..” I was almost on the verge of realizing that I was in a dream, when all of a sudden, I woke up for no reason at all.. damn! But I now know that you CAN control your dream. It’s just really hard to comprehend that were in a dream but you could see things that you want to happen, almost happen instantly in a thought! Oh.. all this actually happened when i slept again from around 12 noon til almost 2 pm, after getting 4 hours of sleep, from 6 am to 10 am.
Phew! I hope I make the same progress the next time I sleep and dream. I’m really interested in interpreting and controlling my dreams now that I’m researching about it in the net as I type. Who knows, maybe in the next dream I’ll see you guys again and it’ll be more “eye opening”. Later! I’m out!
Friday, June 04, 2004
Alcohol infused within my system
So I release my stresses within these prepositions
Of the things I’ve done, maybe committed
Without even realizing the repercussions, the punishments
I’ll be receiving in the end, pushed over the bend
I know that I can only ask you for my sins to be remitted
Maybe ask for a brighter tomorrow, a sun to shine bright
To come and relieve me from the darkness with the light
Signaling a new beginning, perhaps a fresh start
Coz Lord knows my prayers come straight from the heart
But still my life is plagued with all these decisions
On how to rid my life of negative elements
The road to perdition I only follow for the moment
For I know the sun will surface and resurface in countless ways
In these unwritten chapters, I'm assured of better days…
by: jeyps
Alcohol infused within my system
So I release my stresses within these prepositions
Of the things I’ve done, maybe committed
Without even realizing the repercussions, the punishments
I’ll be receiving in the end, pushed over the bend
I know that I can only ask you for my sins to be remitted
Maybe ask for a brighter tomorrow, a sun to shine bright
To come and relieve me from the darkness with the light
Signaling a new beginning, perhaps a fresh start
Coz Lord knows my prayers come straight from the heart
But still my life is plagued with all these decisions
On how to rid my life of negative elements
The road to perdition I only follow for the moment
For I know the sun will surface and resurface in countless ways
In these unwritten chapters, I'm assured of better days…
by: jeyps
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Im kind of in a rut. i've been bugged recently by my parents to get a haircut. they said my hair was growing too long. i argued that i want to at least for once have long hair in my life. then my dad argued why should i still grow it long, that only rockers do that, and that i dont just listen to rock music but dwell on hiphop and house and the such. i then said that i'll grow my hair up instead and try and grow and afro hehe. which he said was just plain "stupid". i then unleashed my ace up my sleeve, and rumaged thru his old photos and showed him a picture of himself during his college years, with long wavy hair!! i said, "hey, you grew your hair long, so i should be able to do that too..=)". he didnt say anything after that except laugh while murmuring something about, "missing those carefree days..". hahaha!! nothing like old photos for use as blackmail!!=Þ now.. should i cut my hair, or still grow it long? some friends said i should grow it long and have it permed(right term..?) to let my hair look like the ones from bone thugs n harmony. hmmm.. what do you think..?
I love the rain! to some its bleak and bland and kills the days plans. but to me, it has this soothing cleansing quality. like it rids the earth of impurities, washing it up with its pleasant drops of condensation. try standing or walking in the rain once.. it can be quite relaxing and relieving. oh, i like the rain, but i hate storms! oh, but when i'm at the beach, i hate the rain..=Þ
I love the rain! to some its bleak and bland and kills the days plans. but to me, it has this soothing cleansing quality. like it rids the earth of impurities, washing it up with its pleasant drops of condensation. try standing or walking in the rain once.. it can be quite relaxing and relieving. oh, i like the rain, but i hate storms! oh, but when i'm at the beach, i hate the rain..=Þ
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
"The Sandman Has Cometh!!"
i said..
*cue cricket sound*
*checks the time...*
Damn it, WHERE IS HE??
i wish there was a Sandman. the bearer of sleep and dreams.. the magnifiscent transporter to the land of slumber. blowing his little "sleeping dust" into your heads/eyes, or wherever the hell he slips the "downer powder" into to get us drowsy.. im sure he even puts it in our alcohol. it could explain the times when we just hafta lie down, or lay our head on the table in a drunken manner after drinking a few.. it was tampered by that damn sandman! hahaha my imagination's fucked up. but if there really was a sandman, i'd look for a way to contact him, and scream point blank right in his ear, "why the hell do you always seem to visit me last, BITCH!?". or maybe he's just all hoity-toity and prefers to dilly-dally his way to me, skipping while walking, taking his damn sweet time, not the least bit giving a fuck that he's always late! im sick of seeing the damn sunrise! seeing the sunrise the first time, you'd go like, "Wow.. Breathtaking! What a start to a great day!", but after seeing the sunrise for the Nth time, its more like, "*see's sunrise, hearing birds starting to chirp and rooster's crowing..* Sunrise already?! Awww fuck!!" ay yi yi! i need sleep now or else i'm gonna be cranky the whole day! mmm breakfast wouldnt be too bad either.=)
"The Sandman Has Cometh!!"
i said..
*cue cricket sound*
*checks the time...*
Damn it, WHERE IS HE??
i wish there was a Sandman. the bearer of sleep and dreams.. the magnifiscent transporter to the land of slumber. blowing his little "sleeping dust" into your heads/eyes, or wherever the hell he slips the "downer powder" into to get us drowsy.. im sure he even puts it in our alcohol. it could explain the times when we just hafta lie down, or lay our head on the table in a drunken manner after drinking a few.. it was tampered by that damn sandman! hahaha my imagination's fucked up. but if there really was a sandman, i'd look for a way to contact him, and scream point blank right in his ear, "why the hell do you always seem to visit me last, BITCH!?". or maybe he's just all hoity-toity and prefers to dilly-dally his way to me, skipping while walking, taking his damn sweet time, not the least bit giving a fuck that he's always late! im sick of seeing the damn sunrise! seeing the sunrise the first time, you'd go like, "Wow.. Breathtaking! What a start to a great day!", but after seeing the sunrise for the Nth time, its more like, "*see's sunrise, hearing birds starting to chirp and rooster's crowing..* Sunrise already?! Awww fuck!!" ay yi yi! i need sleep now or else i'm gonna be cranky the whole day! mmm breakfast wouldnt be too bad either.=)
i cant wait!